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Luis Areiza-Trujillo, MD
- Heart and Thorax Institute
- Cardiocirculatory Care - Cardiologist
Person: Researcher
Michael Ariza-Varon, MD
- Neurology - Neuroinfectologist
- Brain, Head and Neck Institute
Person: Researcher
Jorge Barbosa-Santibañez, MD
- Specialised Orthopaedic Clinics and Reconstruction Institute
- Orthopedics and Traumatology - Chief, Orthopedic Service
Person: Researcher
Nubia Carrero-Rojas, MD
- Heart and Thorax Institute
- Cardiocirculatory Care - Ecocardiografista
Person: Researcher
Jorge Alberto Carrillo-Bayona, MD
- Heart and Thorax Institute
- Diagnostic Imaging - Radiologist
Person: Researcher
Diana Rocío Chávez-Bejarano
- Hospital based health technology assessment unit - Epidemiologist
Person: Researcher
Carlos Figueroa-Avendano, MD
- Complex Abdominal Pathology Institute
- Cancer Institute
- Coloproctology - Coloproctologist
Person: Researcher
Jair Figueroa-Emiliani, MD
- Oncohematology - Hematologist
- Cancer Institute - Director
Person: Researcher
Javier Leonardo Galindo-Pedraza, MD
- Heart and Thorax Institute
- Medical Department - Pneumologist
Person: Researcher
Loren Gallo-Eugenio, RN
Person: Researcher
Paul Gamboa, MD
- Cardiocirculatory Care - Chair of Department
- Heart and Thorax Institute - Director
Person: Researcher
Leonardo Gómez-Polania, MD
- Women’s Health Institute - Director
- Gynecology and Obstetrics - Chair of Department
Person: Researcher
Manuel Huérfano-Castro, MD
- Medical Department - Nefrólogo
- Heart and Thorax Institute - Nefrólogo
Person: Researcher
Ana Milena Isaza-Narváez, Psq
- Cancer Institute
- Pain Medicine and Palliative Care - Coordinator
Person: Researcher
Andrés Isaza-Restrepo, MD
Person: Researcher
Juan Pablo Londoño-Ruíz, MD
- Neonatology - Pediatric Infectious Diseases specialist
- Women’s Health Institute
- Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Institute
Person: Researcher
Alvaro López-Mayorga, Psy
- Brain, Head and Neck Institute
- Medical Department - Neuropsychologist
Person: Researcher
Juan Ricardo Lutz-Pena, MD
- Heart and Thorax Institute
- Medical Department - Pneumologist
Person: Researcher
Eliana Maldonado, MD
- Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Institute
- Epidemiology and Surveillance - Infectious Disease Physician
Person: Researcher
Carlos Morales-Pertuz, MD
- Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Institute
- Epidemiology and Surveillance - Infectious Disease Physician
Person: Researcher
Elly Morros-González, MD
- Ageing Institute - Geriatrician
- Geriatric medicine - Geriatrician
Person: Researcher
Luisa Fernanda Murcia-Soriano, BPharm, MSc
- Research Department - CIMED - Epidemiologist
- Evidence Synthesis Unit - Epidemiologist
Person: Researcher
Jorge Navarro-Aleán, MD
- Complex Abdominal Pathology Institute
- General Surgery - Chair of Department
Person: Researcher